a.l.l. digital studios
Drew Lavyne, proprietor and "ear" at record mastering studio a.l.l. digital wanted an ID package that would communicate the hip, vibrant energy of his business. Needing to combine practical considerations (fitting legibly along a CD jewel case spine, for one) with trendy recording industry appeal, the mark Aardvark Electric Workshop created for a.l.l. digital uses high-impact color (further reinforced with use of metallic inks on a.l.l. digital's business papers and CD inserts,) and a repeating circle motif to play homage to the allmighty disc.

The accompanying Web site features rave comments from record company executives and artists who have used a.l.l. digital's services, and a comprehensive client list.

Visit a.l.l. digital Web site: http://www.alldigitalnyc.com

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